Welcome to Human Resources
@ Missional University!
Our Mandate is to Serve You!

Recruit Talent
Recruit, interview and place top talent.
We arrange interviews, coordinate hiring efforts, and onboard new faculty, staff and administrators. We handle all of the digital "paperwork" involved with hiring someone and making sure that they are welcomed into the Missional University family.

Boost Performance
Create, manage, lead and support training.
We know that faculty and staff are experts in their fields. However, we also know sometimes they need training in relevant skills to navigate the online world. We offer training so that learners can stay innovative, grow faster, and sustain our competitive advantage.

Manage Programs
Maintain records and update HR policies.
On the one hand we foster an open and transparent culture in which people have access to essential information. But we also are concerned about privacy and security. We maintain HR policies that ensure compliance with US federal and state laws and regulations.
Our global faculty are academic practitioners with terminal degrees from top universities
Our experienced staff facilitate a 21st century, digitally-based approach to global educational processes
Our seasoned administrators chart a new path forward in global, Christian higher education
Click on the JOBS menu above to start your missional journey
We arrange an interview with faculty & administrators for all positions
Review our cutting-edge offer that provides for security & development
Get started serving a global community of missional learners & partners
Missional University is an online community that educates Christians to serve in the mission of God in the world.
Join us and impact the world now and for all eternity.
Grow others, grow yourself.
We are committed to your own professional development.
Choose professional development. We are committed to enhancing the knowledge, skills, and exposure of our faculty and staff through professional development training and by creating opportunities to advance their careers. Our goal is that our faculty and staff would become "thought leaders" in the integration of faith, career, and mission in their area of expertise. Interested in one or more areas? Contact Human Resources for more information.
Collaborate for Great Causes

Missional Causes
Participating in Community Development, Criminal Justice, Environmental Care, Healthcare, Refugees / Immigration, Social Justice, and Technology.

Ministry Causes
Reimagining ministry as Contextual Expression, Missional Practice, Religious Change, and Spiritual Support.

Theological Causes
Expanding understanding of Contextual Theology, Ecotheology, Experiencing the Missio Dei, Moral Theology & Ethics, and Social Theology & Justice